
A strong committee of locals runs the Bedgerabong Race meeting and in 2007 we were awarded Community Race Club of the Year by Racing NSW.

Current Committee members include:

Angus Bird, Tara Bird, Ian Brockmann, Bill Brown, Daniel Brown, Kelvin Brown,Allyssa Brown, Peter Charleson, Nathan Clarke, Dan Colley, Darren Collier, Alex Constable, Arnold Constable, Joe Constable, Peta Constable, Russ Constable, Tim Currey, Rebecca Dance, Paul Darcy, Nelly Dukes, Hugh Ellis, Darren Gannell, Fay Green, Tayler Green, Bradley Harrison, Angus Herbert, Laurie Hocking, Colin Hodges, David Hodges, Frances Hodges, Greg Hodges, Kerrie Hodges, Mark Hodges, Neil Hodges, Michael Jeffery, Darcy Mannion, Alan Marsh, Andrew McKeller, Natalie Ostler, Nathan Ostler, Jimmy Rodgers, Simone Rodgers, Chris Simmonds, Ian Simmonds, Tom Simmonds, Robert Speed, Barry Straney, Gary Straney, Graham Whiley, Michelle Whiley.

We would like to welcome our newest committee members and thank those who have had a long association with the club. If anyone is interested in joining our committee please contact the president.